RPort CLI - work faster from the command line
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Command and Script execution

At a glance

Rportcli is a fast and efficient way to execute commands and scripts on one or many remote machines. Scripts can be loaded from your local filesystem. If you store all your scripts for remote execution on a Git repository, you create a highly professional team collaboration. Examples:

  • Execute the command hostname and a client called “ANTMAN”:

    rportcli command execute -n ANTMAN -c hostname
  • Execute a PowerShell script loaded from the homedir on the clients “ABRAHAM” and “HOMER”:

    rportcli script execute -n ABRAHAM,HOMER -s ~/date.ps1

RPort can execute commands and scripts. 📖 Learn more about the difference.

On the following guide and examples only scripts are mentioned. Commands are working almost identically. Just use rportcli command ... instead of rportcli script ....


Targeting is the selection of clients on which the command or script is executed.

If you are uncertain, how many clients will be effected by your targeting, execute a harmless command like hostname first.
By name, -n, --names string
Specify one or many names of clients separated by a comma. Wildcards * are supported.
$ rportcli command execute -n "Ben*,Cecil*" -c 'echo my name is $(hostname)'
    my name is Cecil-Rodriguez
    my name is Benjamin-Rogers
    my name is Ben-Ray
    my name is Ben-Little
    my name is Cecil-Fox
    my name is Cecil-Turner
    my name is Ben-Harvey
    my name is Cecil-Wright

Caution: Always surround wildcards with quotation-marks.

By IDs, -d, --cids string
Specify one or many IDs of clients separated by a comma.
$ rportcli command execute -d \
062180aa3b9348b7953befa2310fd940 -c date
    Wed Jul 27 12:39:17 UTC 2022
    Wed Jul 27 12:39:17 UTC 2022
    Wed Jul 27 12:39:17 UTC 2022
By client group IDs, -g, --gids string
Specify one or many group IDs separated by a comma.
By search criteria, --search key=value
Use the same search methods from the inventory. For example:
--search name=al* --search os_kernel=linux
$ rportcli script execute --search name=a* --search os_kernel=linux -c "uname -a"
    Linux Abby-Peters 5.10.0-11-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.92-1 (2022-01-18) x86_64 GNU/Linux
    Linux Ava-Berry 5.15.0-37-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 1 19:16:45 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    Linux Alvin-Reid 5.15.0-37-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 1 19:16:45 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    Linux Ava-Fowler 5.15.0-37-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 1 19:16:45 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    Linux Ava-Carroll 5.15.0-37-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 1 19:16:45 UTC 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    Linux Andrea-Jimenez 5.10.0-11-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.92-1 (2022-01-18) x86_64 GNU/Linux
    Linux Avery-Smith 5.15.0-37-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 1 19:16:45 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Read from Yaml

Instead of specifying all options for the command or script execution on the command line, you can read from a yaml file.


# List of client ids
  - 07b7795935b7446bbfdbfd961eccb86d
  - 07fb556b17a14c43ae0f3b7fa6e7c1ff
# Concurrency, false by default, optional
conc: true
# Working directory, optional
cwd: /tmp
# output detailed information of a script execution, optional
full-command-response: false
# Interpeter, optional
interpreter: /bin/sh
# Use sudo, default false, optional
is_sudo: false
# Script embedded
exec: |
    ls -la

With the above saved to my-job.yaml, execute

rportcli script execute -y my-job.yaml 

Supported fields

In the yaml file you can use the following fields.

type=list, List of client ids the command or script will be executed on
mutual exclusive with gids, names, combined-search and search
type=list, List of group ids the command or script will be executed on
mutual exclusive with cids, names, combined-search and search
type=list, List of client names the command or script will be executed on
mutual exclusive with cids, gids, combined-search and search
Name values accept wildcards *.
  - elmo
  - julia
exec: hostname
type=string, A url-like search term with key values pairs separated by an ampersand
Values accept wildcards *.
Example: name=elmo&os_kernel=linux
mutual exclusive with cids, gids, names and search
type=array, key value pairs to specify a search
Values accept wildcards *.
Will be converted to combined-search internally.
mutual exclusive with cids, gids, names and combined-search
  name: el*
  os_kernel: linux
exec: hostname
type=boolean, default=false, Run concurrent an all clients
type=string, default=system temp folder, set the working directory
type=boolean, default=false, output detailed information of a script execution
type=string,default=/bin/sh (macOS,Linux) cmd.exe (Windows), set the script interpreter
type=boolean, default=false, use sudo to run with root rights, MacOS/Linux only
type=string, path to a script to be executed,
required if script is not embedded, mutual exclusive with exec
type=string, script embedded instead of loading from a file.
required if script is not file-based, mutual exclusive with script

Write and read log files

By appending --write-execlog <FILE-NAME> to the command or script execution the report is printed to the console and written to a file. The file is yaml-formatted. Example:

$ rportcli command execute -n "Ben*,Cecil*" -c date --write-execlog run-log.yaml

executed_at: 2022-07-28T11:59:53.542722+02:00
executed_by: ""
executed_on: MacBookPro.localnet.local
api_user: tk
api_url: https://rport.example.com:443
api_auth: basic+apitoken
num_clients: 8
failed: 0
  - jid: a69e17b1-842a-4017-a13c-73a479ff74ef
    status: successful
    finished_at: 2022-07-28T09:59:53.617555443Z
    client_id: 1e9a0d5b8aa6497ba64a2d0dc6110cfd
    client_name: Cecil-Rodriguez
    command: date
    cwd: ""
    pid: 203253
    started_at: 2022-07-28T09:59:53.615109966Z
    created_by: tk
    multi_job_id: a483dfbf-d6fc-4b46-83cb-1223dae6049d
    timeout_sec: 30
    error: ""
        stdout: |
            Thu Jul 28 09:59:53 UTC 2022
        stderr: ""
    is_sudo: false
    is_script: false
    interpreter: ""
  - jid: 4e29ab81-7a35-428b-872e-442d6f2cd4da
    status: successful
    finished_at: 2022-07-28T09:59:53.649645553Z
    client_id: 23c2620c219d46acb43574eab4c0bbc6
    client_name: Benjamin-Rogers
    command: date
    cwd: ""
    pid: 203253
    started_at: 2022-07-28T09:59:53.644111369Z
    created_by: tk
    multi_job_id: a483dfbf-d6fc-4b46-83cb-1223dae6049d
    timeout_sec: 30
    error: ""
        stdout: |
            Thu Jul 28 09:59:53 UTC 2022
        stderr: ""
    is_sudo: false
    is_script: false
    interpreter: ""

If the command and script execution has failed on some clients, you can use the log file to execute the command or script again but only on those clients, where it has failed previously. Using --read-execlog <FILE-NAME> will use all client ids from the file where status=failed. Example:

$ rportcli command execute -n "Ben*,Cecil*" -c date --read-execlog run-log.yaml

Nothing to do. Execution log file does not contain any failed client IDs

Reading from and writing to the same file is supported. This is useful to execute a task until it has succeeded on all clients. Example:

# First run
rportcli command execute -n "Ben*,Cecil*" -c false --write-execlog run-log.yaml

# Run again on failed clients until succeeded on all
while true; do
  rportcli command execute -q -n "Ben*,Cecil*" -c false \
  --write-execlog run-log.yaml --read-execlog run-log.yaml && break
  sleep 10
rportcli will only exit with exit code 0 if the command or script has succeeded on all targeted clients.