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Explore your inventory

List clients connected to your RPort server

Use rportcli client list to browse your inventory. With the --search flag you can narrow down the search. --search takes a key value pair, and it can be used multiple times. For example:

rportcli client list --search os_kernel=linux --search name="a*"

The above search fetches all clients where the key os_kernel matches exactly the term linux and where the key name starts with a.

Each --search accepts multiple keys separated by a comma. For example:

rportcli client list --search tags=Germany,France

The criteria are combined with OR. The above search fetches all clients having a tag “Germany” or “France”.

  • When using --search multiple times, the search criteria are combined with a logical AND. A combination with OR is not yet supported.
  • All searches are case-insensitive.
rportcli client list --search name=elmo,julia --search os_kernel=Linux

Translated to pseudo-sql the above would resolve to:

WHERE (name="elmo" OR name="julia") AND os_kernel="Linux"

You can search on multiple keys concurrently. For example:

rportcli client list --search "name|ipv4=192.168.122.*,elmo"

Translated to pseudo-sql the above would resolve to:

WHERE name="elmo" OR ipv4 LIKE "192.168.122.%" OR ipv4="elmo" OR name LIKE "192.168.122.%"

Supported search fields

The following search keys are supported:

  • id
  • name
  • os
  • os_arch
  • os_family
  • os_kernel
  • os_full_name
  • os_version
  • os_virtualization_system
  • os_virtualization_role
  • cpu_family
  • cpu_model
  • cpu_model_name
  • cpu_vendor
  • num_cpus
  • timezone
  • hostname
  • ipv4
  • ipv6
  • tags
  • version
  • address
  • client_auth_id
  • connection_state
  • allowed_user_groups
  • groups

Using --search "*=*win* is also supported giving you some kind of full-text search over all fields.


By default, a maximum of 50 rows are displayed. Use --limit to display more. Or use --offset to move to the next page. Examples:

# Get the first 10 results
go run ./... client list --search name=a* --limit 10
# Get the second 10 results 
go run ./... client list --search name=a* --limit 10 --offset 10

Output formats

By using the flag -o, --output <FORMAT> you can change the output format to json, yaml or human (default).

Using the json output combined with jq you can create flexible reports. For example:

$ rportcli client list --search os_kernel=windows -o json|jq '.[]|[.name,.connection_state]|@tsv' -r
ITXC    connected
Brooke-Hicks    connected
Testing-Win-SRV-2012R2  connected
DONALD-DAY-WS20 connected
ERIC-GARCIA-WS2 disconnected
ABRAHAM disconnected
Homer   disconnected
BOB-MORGAN-WS20 disconnected
Alan-Fernandez-WS2019   disconnected
Win11-Bonn      connected
BEATRICE        connected
Grandmother-W2012R2     disconnected